Wednesday 23 October 2013

gang stalking increases cost of living

The aim of gang stalking (organised stalking) it to get control over resources - people and premises.
These will then be exploited for financial gain.

For example, the Target Bait is followed and every person he has social contact with is approached by the gangstalker RECRUITER.  The Target Bait is "the foot in the door".  The Target Bait, is any low status member of the public, who is NOT  criminal, nor crazy.  The Recruiter will tell the gang stalking potential recruit, that the Target Bait is any one of the following, according to which lie the Recruiter reckons will be most likely to gain the target recruits support: terrorist, paedophile, prostitute, drug dealer, welfare fraudster, thief.
The Target Recruit will be happy to give his cooperation believing he is helping to protect his community. He does not know he is being conned.  That the Target Bait is not a criminal. And that he himself is the real target.  Once recruited the Target Recruits life will be subjected to  microscopic scrutiny to uncover any illegalities he, or any member of his family, or close associate has committed.  This will be used to guarantee his further cooperation. 
Immediately the Recruiter will "help" the target recruit to increase the financial take from his business.

1.  Retail.  For example. A sandwich shop.  Once gangstalkers have control over premises/the people who run them, this always follows.  Prices go up, quantity and quality go down, and service is minimised.  In the case of a sandwich shop, the prices of the sandwiches will be increased, and the fillings decreased.
2. Accommodation.  Rents will be increased.  Landords will be encouraged to upgrade their properties so as to maximise financial return.  Such as converting bedsits into flats, often with no more than putting a wall down the middle and including ensuite.  Utility meters will be fixed to increase the pay off to the landord (this is completely legal).  Result, rents, and utility bills increase.

The Target Recruit is a target because he possesses resources.  Old people are popular targets as even poor people over a lifetime will have managed to amass some savings and perhaps own their own homes.

Once gang stalkers get in control of people, they strip them of all their assets, gradually, over time.

See also, Targeted Individuals are Bait
and Gangstalking - recruiting landlord, estate agents, letting agents.  Getting your foot in the door.